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Chinese translation for "back seat"

〔口语〕后座;低下的职位,无聊的工作(won't take a back seat to anyone 不愿屈居人下)。

Related Translations:
seating:  n.1.座位(设备);座位数。2.椅料;椅垫;椅布。3.骑姿,骑法。短语和例子a seating capacity 座(位)数;容纳量。
seat:  n.1.座;座位;席位;席次。2.椅子;凳子。3.(椅子等的)座部;垫子。4.臀部;裤裆。5.地位;场所;位置;所在地;中心地。6.邸宅;别墅。7.王座;主教座;王权,主教权。8.议员席。9.(交易所等的)会员资格。10.(马、脚踏车等的)骑法;坐法;骑乘姿势。短语和例子S- must be booked in advance. 座位必须预定。 the seat of di
seated:  adj.1.(有)…座位的。2.(有)…座垫的。3.根深的;固定的。短语和例子a deep-seated disease 痼疾。
county seat:  〔美国〕县城。
hot seat:  1.〔美俚〕电椅。2.尴尬处境。
blazing seat:  防暴电击座〔功能和防暴电击枪有相似之处〕。
ejection seat:  【航空】弹射座椅。
judgment seat:  1.裁判员席。2.法院。
key seat:  key seat =keyway.
garden seat:  庭园坐椅;〔英国〕公共汽车顶层坐位。
Example Sentences:
1.I can't let them get in the back seat .
2.He sat in the back seat and soon felt very sleepy .
3.Terry made it with sharon on the back seat of his car .
4.Carefully, avram rabinovitz bestowed the basket in the back seat .
5.He looked through the screen and saw that bill and ted were in the back seat .
6.He took the back seat of the carriage, after a feeble bow or two, and speech of thanks, polite to the last, and resolute in doing his duty .
7.Remember all the damage we did in the back seat
8.Ls it that guy who was sleeping in the back seat
9.European films take a back seat at cinemas
10.Ls it that guy who was sleeping in the back seat
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